Directorships remain a vital function of any association, and participating at the Local, State or National level is not difficult. PWR's Board elections are held once every year, along with applications for the state and national assocations. Here you can find out more information on requirements and qualifications on becoming a Director.

PWR Director Election Logo
Are you ready to give back to your Association?
Apply for a seat on the PWR Board of Directors for next year. Review the Election Process letter, Job Description, and complete the application.

NAR Directorship Logo
Applications are being accepted for PWR Allocated National Association of REALTORS® Directors for next year. Five REALTOR® members will be selected to represent PWR on the National Association of REALTORS® Board of Directors.

CAR Directorship Logo
Are you interested in getting involved at the State level of the REALTOR® organization? If you are willing to be away from your office 3-5 days three times a year, doing the business of the California Association of REALTORS®, then this opportunity is for you!